What is a Proverb?

What is a Proverb? Talk by Katlynn Binston | Holy Grace Academy

What is a Proverb? Talk by Katlynn Binston | Holy Grace Academy

A proverb is a simple and factual saying said by the experienced and great personalities of any country over any subject. Proverbs generally prove the real facts in life. All the proverbs express truth or advice based on common sense. Proverbs said by the personalities become the practical experiences of humanity. Proverbs are saying based on experiences and common sense. Every individual has its own experiences in life; he wants to tell others so that others don’t have to confront these troubles. Their bitter experiences help to assure the right path and good experiences help to go on. Therefore, every experience doesn’t apply to every other individual. We all have the sense to estimate the difference between the correct and incorrect. Hence, we can’t say that proverbs are not reliable. It’s on us, how to apply them to us. “Don’t judge a book by its cover” Have you ever heard the saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover”? I have, and it is a true saying. Is it really good to judge a book by its cover? No, you should never judge the value of a person or thing simply by its appearance. The first reason why you shouldn’t judge is that you never know what that person can do or become. It’s never good to prejudge someone or something before you find out facts about them. Another reason why it is not good is that prejudging can stir up the confusion. The last reason why it’s never good to prejudge is that you wouldn’t want people to underestimate you so you shouldn’t attempt to do it to anyone else. You never know what a person can do or become. A lot of people prejudge individuals before they are born because they look at their parents. It’s really not a decent thing to do. Some newborns grow up to be very successful children and they end up accomplishing a lot of things. Prejudging a child can lead to discouragement and it tends to cause despair. Some people can grow up in the worst neighbourhoods and find themselves being doctors, judges, or even mayors. You never know the outcome of a person until you see the outcome. Prejudging can stir up a lot of confusion. Some individuals judge others on the colour of their skin. In the past blacks were underestimated for simply being black. If prejudice was never discovered, some blacks will still be alive today. Some police officers prejudge certain guys because of their attire. They think if they see a male individual dressed in baggy jeans or sagging pants, with caps on, they’ re up to something. Whatever happened to the pursuit of happiness? it’s really a stereotype. If that is the way they choose to appear, then it shouldn’t be of importance.

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