Teenage Friendships Vs Addictive Substances – Geethanjali Udayakumar

It’s just one drag, one puff and one peg and that’s how all of it began Hi, viewers, I am Gitanjali Uday Kumar, grade 12 student of Holy Grace Academy and I’m here to speak a few words in the topic; Teenage friendships Vs Addictive substances. What did you do the last time you had an event in your school or college? You would have definitely bought a new dress or a new outfit. For girls, they would have bought matching accessories, for boys, it might be shoes. But now the question is why did you buy a new outfit? Why couldn’t you wear an old one? Many of us would say it is to look good, have self-confidence and so on. But deep in our heart we know it is to flaunt in front of our friends. Buying a new dress or expensive shoes isn’t harmful, but at some point it starts getting out of hands and that is when teenagers start involving in risky behaviours like speeding…180 kmph statuses zooming superbike stunts and so on…heated arguments or physical fights …and using addictive substances which I personally think is the most deadly one out if this never ending list. Yes peer pressure plays an important role and is one among the major factors for usage of alcohol drugs cigarettes and so on. Suppose you have a friend circle of five and all of them love ice cream. Even you love ice cream and now all of them are going to go grab an ice-cream, but the problem is you have a cold and you know that if you have an ice-cream now your cold will end up being a fever. But no matter what the situation is 99% of times you would go along with your friends. This is exactly what happens when we are about to take any drug .You take it even when you know there are dire consequences. This is how strong the influence of friends is on an average teenager. Let’s face it. Who can resist when friends urge saying “ its just one right..no one know ..just have it yar” Now this is an optimistic approach of a friend urging you to try something new. There are also instances when people say “ what..have you never tried alcohol !!! You must be kidding” or “ Oh please don’t give to her she is going to be scared and besides her mom is strict” Now this statement would hurt the ego of the teenager and there’s nothing more important to them than there ego. They muse..if all can do why not me! And well this is the harsh reality we face. And I am not getting into the statistics because it is depressing. We know a friend who has used is using or even misuses it. Well with all that said and done, now we need a solution. People say, children shouldn’t be given access to these, but we all know a child desperate enough would find some the other way to gain it. Parents complain teachers should give punishments, Teachers say students don’t have good parenting and so on. But I believe if a friend can put you in trouble then a friend can also pull you out of it. Have u ever noticed even on repeated saying no thanks to your friends insist that you have a drink? This is because at that moment you serve as a mirror reflecting their bad behaviour. At the end of the day parents teachers and even friends can guide you to the path, whether to walk on or not, is up to you. Don’t let anybody destroy your personality because that is your identity . You don’t have to drink or smoke just because someone else does because remember; Genetics load the gun but lifestyle pulls the trigger.

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